The Multifaceted Journey of Spiritual Awakening


My journey of spiritual awakening has been a deeply personal and transformative experience,  since my childhood. One that has taken me through various stages, both physical and  metaphysical. As I delve into the intricate layers of this spiritual evolution, I have come to  understand that it's not a linear path but a progression that encompasses physical, emotional,  mental, and multi-sensory experiences. In sharing my experiences, I hope to shed light on the  intricate process of spiritual awakening and inspire those who may be on a similar path. Ready to  go? Let’s delve in.

Stage 1: The Awakened Realization 
Unearthing the Inner Disquiet with Vivid, Colorful, and Lucid Dreams 

The inception of my spiritual awakening marked a pivotal moment in my life, a moment where  the boundaries between the physical and the metaphysical began to blur. It was as if every  experience, every challenge, and every joy I had encountered was leading up to this unveiling of  a deeper truth, something far beyond the ordinary. My reality underwent a profound shift. It was  as if a veil had been lifted, allowing me to perceive life not just at face value but at a deeper,  more vibrant level. This heightened perception brought with it an extraordinary experience. From  around the age of 5 years old, my dreams became alive in a way I had never known before.  Colors exploded into vibrant spectrums, vivid and pulsating with a richness that went beyond the  imaginable. The dream world was no longer an escape but a parallel reality as real and tangible  as the waking world. I could control the direction of my dreams and from running with the will  to fly, I learned to soar and fly like a bird in the sky.  

For those who have never experienced dreams in color, rest assured that this may very well be a  part of your awakening journey. The monochrome dreams will gradually transform into vivid,  breathtaking hues that paint the dream canvas with an intensity that often leaves you in awe.  Likewise, for those who have never felt the exhilaration of flight in their dreams, this newfound  state may surprise you. Soaring through the night sky, weightless and liberated, becomes a norm; what was once thought of as impossible suddenly becomes your reality. This shift in the dream  world is symbolic of a larger transformation. It signifies that the awakening has begun to  penetrate the very fabric of your existence, urging you to acknowledge the boundless  possibilities that lie beyond the confines of the conventional. It's an invitation to embrace a  reality that goes beyond what the eyes can perceive, hinting at a world where the boundaries  between the physical and the metaphysical become increasingly porous. 

The duality of the waking and dream worlds starts to merge, blurring the lines that previously  demarcated our perceived realities. This is only the tip of the iceberg! An introduction to a  journey that transcends the known, taking you into the depths of existence and self-discovery. As  you venture further into the stages of awakening, remember to embrace the shifting tides of  perception. What once seemed unattainable and surreal gradually becomes your new norm. This  newfound perception is an opening to a world of wonder and depth, inviting you to explore the  uncharted territories of your own consciousness.

Woman of color looking relaxed asleep with soft knit and faux fur bedding creating a  dreamy atmosphere

Stage 2: The 3 AM Club 
Embraced the Nightly Stirrings 

An intriguing aspect of spiritual awakening is the synchronization that often occurs. Many of us  experience the phenomenon of waking up at the same time every night, often around 3 a.m. Yes,  one of these mesmerizing moments is often finding oneself waking up regularly at the same hour  every night. This phenomenon has come to be known as the "3 a.m. club." The striking regularity  of these nocturnal awakenings is more than a mere disruption of sleep. It’s a gentle nudge from  the cosmos, beckoning us to partake in something larger than ourselves. It's as though the  universe itself is extending an invitation for a profound dialogue, offering an opportunity to  explore the depths of our existence in the silence of the night. My “membership” in the 3 am  club began immediately after feeling guided to get a home in Sedona, Arizona over a decade ago.  

At the bewitching hour of 3 a.m., the world slumbers, and the night unveils its mysteries. It's a  time when the veil between the physical and the spiritual realms is at its thinnest. I personally  believe that it’s a sacred interval where energies align, and the whispers of the universe echo  through the stillness. During these moments, a sense of connectivity to something far beyond our  individual selves often arises, infusing the night with an aura of reverence and invitation. 

The silent communion with the universe at 3 a.m. is an invitation to engage in a deeper  conversation with the cosmos. It's a moment where time feels suspended, and the universe gently  whispers its secrets, beckoning us to unravel the mysteries that lie beyond the tangible realm.  Hug these nightly awakenings as more than a disruption because they are an opportunity to dive into the unknown, to engage in a silent conversation with the universe. Allow the serenity of the  night to be your companion, guiding you on a journey of introspection and discovery!

Astral Plane image of woman of color with her eyes closed visualising a different realm

Stage 3: Shifting Perspectives and Lifestyle Changes 
Shifting Desires towards Solitude for Soul Nourishment 

As the awakening deepens and ventures deeper into your spiritual awakening, you'll notice a  transformation not just in your perception but in the very fabric of your daily life. This stage is  marked by a profound shift in lifestyle and personal preferences, a gentle reconfiguration that  nudges you toward a different way of being. You may find that your cravings and inclinations  start to change. The desire for meat and alcohol may begin to wane as your body and soul seek  the nourishment of a different kind. It's not just about physical sustenance; it's about aligning  with the energies that resonate more profoundly with your awakening spirit. The bustling noise  of heavy social events might no longer hold the allure it once did. Instead, you find solace in  solitude. Being alone soon serves as a sanctuary, a haven where you find a deep sense of solace  and comfort. In this solitude, the cacophony of small talk no longer resonates. There’s a shift in  your interactions, a yearning for conversations that resonate with the depth of your evolving  consciousness and the depths of your soul.

As your focus gradually detaches from the constant barrage of world events and the noisy  updates of news cycles, your attention turns inward. The internal landscape becomes your  priority, a place where you long to be, one of understanding, and spiritual nourishment. This  transition can be gradual and gentle, yet profound it it’s metamorphosis. Your experience is a reflection of the evolving harmony within you, a rhythm that is in tune with the flow of the  universe. The changes you witness are not just alterations in habits; they are symbols of an  awakening consciousness seeking alignment with a different frequency.

Mother and daughter exchanging smiling glances over holding organic kale together in  a kitchen

Stage 4: Physical and Energetic Transformations 
Kriyas, Spontaneous Movements, and Sensory Awakening 

The physical and energetic aspects of spiritual awakening bring both challenges and blessings.  You'll notice profound shifts not only in your perception but also in the very essence of your  physical and energetic being. A common occurrence during this stage is a subtle yet distinct  sensation, a feeling of pressure and pulsing at the crown of your head. This area, often associated  with the crown chakra, which serves as a focal point for spiritual connection and enlightenment.  Intuition, once a quiet voice in the background, starts to emerge as a guiding force in your daily life. Trust this inner voice as it becomes a beacon, leading you along your path with clarity and  purpose. For some, this phase also heralds the development of heightened psychic abilities, an  expansion of your senses that allows you to perceive the world in a new and profound manner.  Don’t forget that your physical body also undergoes changes. You might notice shifts in your  appetite or find that headaches and sinus issues become more frequent. These physical  manifestations are the body's way of signaling its transformation, a process of purging and  detoxifying, clearing the stagnant energy that no longer serves your higher purpose. 

Kriyas, spontaneous movements in the body, might manifest as your nervous system adapts to  the evolving energies. These movements, although unconventional, are a sign of the body  adjusting to the increased energetic flow that accompanies your awakening. As the physical body  adjusts, you might experience electrical or tingling sensations in various areas. Some individuals  even report feeling their chakras spinning. It’s a profound indication of the alignment of your energetic centers. This alignment symbolizes a deeper connection to the cosmic energy that flows  through you, transcending the limitations of societal conditioning and offering you a glimpse into  a reality beyond the material world.

Woman with energetic connections stemming from her head in the astral plane

Stage 5: The Uncomfortable Side of Awakening 
Beyond Mundanity 

As you tread through the path of spiritual awakening, you'll realize that it's not always a smooth  and serene stroll. There are moments that challenge your very essence, shaking the foundations  of your beliefs and perceptions. However, amidst this discomfort, there are pockets of  inexplicable bliss, as if the universe is gently reminding you of the boundless beauty that lies  beyond the routines of everyday life. This phase may find you in the midst of an internal  cleansing, a time when you may find yourself purging and releasing attachments to things you  once held dear, perhaps even without realizing what those things were. This process is a  shedding of layers, an emotional and spiritual decluttering that makes way for new growth and  understanding. 

It's also a period of enlightenment regarding the limitations of religion in your spiritual journey.  Religion, once a guiding compass, is revealed to be a mere stepping stone, a framework that cannot encapsulate the vast expanse of the spiritual expedition. I believe that it serves a purpose  as a moral guide, yet it's not the ultimate culmination of your journey. These discomforting  realizations and liberations may challenge you, but they are essential in shaping your path toward  spiritual enlightenment. Embracing the experience can be the key to unlocking deeper layers of  understanding and finding resonance with the greater truths that lie beyond the mundane.

Stage 6: Synchronicity, Insight, and Service 
The Actual Enlightenment 

One of the most captivating elements in the embroidery of spiritual awakening, I believe, is the  prevalence of synchronicity. It's as if the universe conspires to weave invisible threads that  intricately connect events, people, and experiences, each interwoven in a tapestry of profound  significance. In these moments, the mundane transcends into something more. It’s akin to magic,  revealing itself in the everyday occurrences of life. This awakening brings forth a newfound  insight, enabling you to peer beyond the superficial facades that people often wear. You start to  discern the hidden shadows and truths they try to conceal, allowing you a glimpse into the deeper  layers of their existence. This ability to perceive the genuine essence of others often becomes a  catalyst for a profound realization - “You are here to be of service in some way.”

As your conscious awareness expands, you come to have  newfound realizations that may reshape your priorities,  steering them toward a path of service and compassion, and  this awareness becomes the guiding light illuminating your  way forward.

Stage 7: A Deep Reverence for Life 
Seeking Divine Closeness 

As you progress through the final stage of your spiritual awakening journey, you'll find your  priorities undergoing a dramatic transformation. The yearning for closeness to the Divine  becomes an undeniable force, tugging at the strings of your soul, pulling you closer to the  essence of the sacred. This closeness is more than a desire; it's a deep yearning to intertwine your  existence with the divine presence. In this phase, you'll notice a significant shift in your  perspective towards life. A deep reverence begins to blossom within you, a reverence that  extends to all living things. You find yourself experiencing a profound respect for the  interconnected web of life that weaves its intricate pattern through the tapestry of existence. This reverence is not just a fleeting sentiment but a fundamental understanding, an acknowledgment  of the sanctity that resides within every living being. 

As your spiritual awakening continues to culminate, you begin to realize the intrinsic connection  that binds all of us together. At our core, we are threads woven into the same universal fabric,  each action and intention reverberating through the collective consciousness. There's an acute  awareness of the impact of every choice, every gesture, every breath on the interconnected  whole. This realization is transformative. It brings with it a sense of responsibility, a profound  understanding that our actions carry weight, not just for ourselves but for the entire cosmic  design. Every step taken, every word uttered, every thought harbored becomes a contribution to  the universal harmony. 

This shift in perspective offers you a new lens through which to perceive life—a lens that  amplifies empathy, compassion, and a deep sense of interconnectedness. You're not just an  individual but a part of a larger symphony, each note vital to the harmonious resonance of the  universe. 

Grip this profound reverence, for it is the essence of the culmination of your spiritual awakening.  It's a guiding light that illuminates the path toward a life rich in compassion, respect, and  responsibility toward all living beings!


Dear fellow soul travelers, the stages of spiritual awakening, what a profound and transformative  odyssey it is! As we navigate this journey, each step is a deeply personal exploration of self, a  transformative progression marked by a tapestry of experiences that weave through the physical,  emotional, mental, and wondrous multi-sensory realms. Know that this path is unique to each of  us. It’s our personal canvas on which the Divine paints an exquisite masterpiece. It's a journey  that doesn't adhere to conventional norms, but it challenges our very understanding of reality.

Woman of color wearing all white sits peacefully in nature with her hands in Anjali  mudra at her heart center.

Our perceptions shift, unveiling the unseen and leading us toward a profound connection not  only with the Divine but with all living things. The discomfort that occasionally accompanies  this path can indeed be disorienting, yet in these moments of confusion, know that you are  growing, evolving, and expanding your consciousness. 

These stages of awakening illuminate the beauty and the enigma of life. They serve as a breadth,  guiding us toward a path of service, reverence, and, most importantly, love for the world that  envelops us. They are the soil from which our spirit blossoms into a being resonating with  compassion, empathy, and love.

As we navigate through this intricate journey, remember that you are not alone. You are  surrounded by love, supported by the interconnectedness that unites us all. Embrace this path  with an open heart, for every experience, every emotion, and every challenge is a stepping stone  leading you closer to a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe.

With love and  unwavering support, Asavari.


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